4.50 star(s) 13 Votes


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
If you feel that the masturbation scene is too rushed, then I guess that's something you have to deal with. I don't know how much tension or emotional investment is necessary for you to properly enjoy a simple masturbation scene, but you might be reading too much into this particular instance. Unless you are asking the dev to include a whole-ass backstory novella about Celes' life before she came into MC's world, in which case your writing skills are clearly in dire need of some sharpening - because that would be a 'wall of text' not a single reader would find interesting.

Revealing every single detail or facet of a character right away - before any actual plot is underway - is the most basic (and the most boring) method of characterization possible; peeling back the layers of Celes' (or any other character's) personality is perhaps best done methodically & sporadically, in appropriate situations. Would you rather read a 10-page explanation on why Celes likes swords more than axes? Or would you rather Celes find herself in a situation where her sword expertise is shown in action? One of those is a more engaging read that doesn't require a "set up" to pay off.

Please, do keep in mind that you are playing a 0.1 version of an AVN, and not all questions or character actions are going to be answered/explained immediately. Part of the excitement is not knowing every little thing right away!
It's not only about her masturbation scene, it's about the entire pacing and engagement.

I can't speak for dontcarewhateverno, but at least for me, it would be a lot more engaging if there was some sense of romantic/relational progression. I don't mean this in the AVN vernacular, i.e. filling up buckets, but the more realistic push-pull dynamic of real world relationships (both with MC and the antagonist). I just played it again to make sure I'm not misrepresenting it, and indeed, there's almost none of this back and forth, the proverbial flirting dance (or scorn or any emotion). Where's the push-pull? There's almost no apprehension or tension, it's like watching characters in the Sims do things solely because the player has directed them to do so.

Now, she is from a different time/world, so it could be chalked up to culture shock. At the start, her relationship with MC feels oddly platonic for an AVN. Then the antagonist enters, and within a few scenes Celeste has these internal monologues hinting at sexual excitement. This feels like a juxtaposition; I'd expect a person not wary of strangers to behave similarly in either circumstance.

This is part of why I generally dont like bbc fetish focused ntr games. They often use that fetish as a catch-all stand in for relational progression. Cedric isn't particularly charming or good looking, but that doesn't seem to really matter to the narrative.

You could take the same characters and write a much hotter story with Celeste initially being standoffish towards the antagonist then slowly coming around, OR one where the antagonist started off as a silver tongued devil, playing the charmer around both Celeste and the mc- then at some point MC realizes things are not what they seem.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
It's not only about her masturbation scene, it's about the entire pacing and engagement.

I can't speak for dontcarewhateverno, but at least for me, it would be a lot more engaging if there was some sense of romantic/relational progression. I don't mean this in the AVN vernacular, i.e. filling up buckets, but the more realistic push-pull dynamic of real world relationships (both with MC and the antagonist). I just played it again to make sure I'm not misrepresenting it, and indeed, there's almost none of this back and forth, the proverbial flirting dance (or scorn or any emotion). Where's the push-pull? There's almost no apprehension or tension, it's like watching characters in the Sims do things solely because the player has directed them to do so.

Now, she is from a different time/world, so it could be chalked up to culture shock. At the start, her relationship with MC feels oddly platonic for an AVN. Then the antagonist enters, and within a few scenes Celeste has these internal monologues hinting at sexual excitement. This feels like a juxtaposition; I'd expect a person not wary of strangers to behave similarly in either circumstance.

This is part of why I generally dont like bbc fetish focused ntr games. They often use that fetish as a catch-all stand in for relational progression. Cedric isn't particularly charming or good looking, but that doesn't seem to really matter to the narrative.

You could take the same characters and write a much hotter story with Celeste initially being standoffish towards the antagonist then slowly coming around, OR one where the antagonist started off as a silver tongued devil, playing the charmer around both Celeste and the mc- then at some point MC realizes things are not what they seem.
Thanks. After so many wildly misinterpreted replies, I really just didn't have the energy anymore.
  • Haha
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4.50 star(s) 13 Votes