HTML - Gambling Her [v0.5] [Kinkzgames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this game for 3 hours. The game design concept is quite good, making you lose a normal wife through repeated gambling. However, the shortcomings are also obvious. The interaction between the game and the player is just repeatedly clicking “again, again, again,” which is very boring and has very low interactivity. I play this game for fun, but the purpose of this game seems to be designed to make you lose in gambling or waste your time. If I just want to see those pictures, why not go directly to pH or xham to watch the original videos? I hope the game mechanics can be redesigned to enhance player interaction and reduce unnecessary repetitive processes. Maybe the game’s rating could be higher. (n)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I really love the gambling fetish, so I was hoping this game would be good, but it really is nothing but a concept and some slideshows. First of all, the gambling element is nearly non-existent because the amount you bet is ridiculously low for the amount that you stand to win with pretty good odds of winning well before you start running low on money, and there is no way to adjust the bet amount. Secondly, you don't actually have a running money total. It's just anything over 1,000 unlocks the next upgrade and takes all your money, which forces you to "gamble" your wife. For me personally this ruins any gambling fetish aspect of the game because it's just clicking buttons/grinding until you get a guaranteed 1,000 money and are forced to give up your wife to progress. There is no real risk involved at any stage of this game.

    And the gameplay/porn boils down to webm video compilations, which I am not inherently opposed to, but there's nothing original here to make up for any of the other shortcoming. The art on the slots is generic AI-generated anime, and the son teases are extremely repetitive and annoying.

    I give this game a 2 because the bar for porn games is so low that a game that actually functions as it says it does is already more than a lot of the garbage on this site. But I don't think it's worth your time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    1) Bloated file size.
    2) At the start you can only do one thing which is click the Again button to gamble on slots with horrendous odds which gets interrupted by your wife cleaning something or going to the gym constantly. After literally 15 minutes of clicking the again button to gamble to progress the "story" i just completely gave up and deleted the game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Every few screens you get random pictures of the wife. Half of them with descriptions about your son watching her for whatever reason.

    Other than those random pictures that are never explained, the main mechanic of the game is playing the slots, so it all comes down to randomness. No poker or anything that would require any thinking or skill - just mindlessly left clicking the same button over and over.

    Since you need to lose all of your money every single time that you want to unlock new scenes, that means playing the slots and praying to lose over 30 times in a row, which didn't happen to me a single time - I always ended up with more money than I had when I started - meaning that I had to lose way over 30 times in a row, making it basically impossible; I had to use cheats to unlock the content.

    You repeat this event 5 times and that's as far as the current version (0.2) goes.

    There are a couple of unlockables that you can buy to lose all of your money, other than that, you need to use cheats to be able to see the next scenes, which are some random stripping scenes and eventually lead to some cuck content.

    Other than that, there's one scene with the maid, and one with each of the dealers, and that seems to be it.

    There's no choices at all - you basically just click to play the slots over and over and unlock some porn gifs. So basically a cuck porn video with extra steps.

    By the way, it's tagged as anal, but the only anal content is the use of a buttplug during a single scene. There's no actual anal sex.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has an ok premise but there's no set up for it, randomly finding a website for an exclusive gambling club? There needs to be some kind of story leading up to finding the club.

    The slots game is boring, takes too long and is annoying. The pop ups of the wife's activities just cause frustration, how is she going shopping, getting changed, doing yoga every 30 seconds?

    Why is a dealer involved in a slot machine?

    Make it poker or blackjack, slots are for boomers.

    The wife is way too slutty pornstar looking, find a 'girl next door' or more milfy type. She moves way to quickly into the getting naked for a stranger thing, there's no build up at all. The 'son' being involved is just cringe, get rid of him. Would be better to have a tradesman or even a boarder walk in on her.

    I'll keep an eye on the game, some improvement could make it really good and the idea is solid but right now it's neither a good NTR game or a harem/screw random girls game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    So I am giving three stars:

    - hot phantasie
    - videos consistent with sound
    Story is kind of new ( dont know other games with this setting idea )

    Gameplay is the problem here: Its just slots and you dont have one vital option in there. progressing is just luck and if you progress you cant influence the outcome.

    Still nice first? release. Good Idea non the less