RPGM - Completed - Rittar Bar [v1.0] [Short Hair Simp]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Runner's Fate

    The story goes that your father died and left you the bar. Bank comes to get its dues within 3 months so you have to get the dough together.

    Actual gameplay is bar management, such as ordering in stock, talking with customers, selling them food etc and prostituting yourself.

    Your bar maid can help a bit by flyering outside or customer info, but costs gold.

    There's an internal cheatbot in the kitchen after you've ordered items by trying to walk out from the shop (optional)

    Cooking is pretty much being in the kitchen, select what you want to cook then click to start. (Hint: Having a lot of oil is useful for cooking most ingredients)

    Then comes the bar opening phase, where you talk to customers, to sell them stuff and answer "right". If it gets to the prostitution offer part you'll need to haggle the price right. If you get a copper, before even offering prostitution you'll get arrested and fined heavily. -_-

    The actual CG is 3 "pleasuring" her and then the deed which can be skipped. Animated but nothing impressive.

    Then grind this over and over.

    I don't think this is worth your playtime honestly.